Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Starting SharePoint Workflow Programatically


Most often we are accustomed with the out-of-the-box functionalities in SharePoint to start a workflow attached with a list / library.There might be a requirement where the workflow needs to be started manually from within a programming interface i.e. a custom form which can be used for triggering workflow on specific list / library items.

An example for the above requirement is provided below using VB.Net as the programming language.

Dim list As SPList = web.Lists("ListName")

Dim lstItem As SPListItem = list.GetItemById(itemID)

'obtain an instance of SPWorkflowManager which will be used to start the workflow

Dim manager As SPWorkflowManager = site.WorkflowManager

'get all workflows associated with the list
Dim associationCol As SPWorkflowAssociationCollection = list.WorkflowAssociations
'iterate through all the workflow and lookup for the workflow to be started
For Each association As SPWorkflowAssociation In associationCol

      If association.Name = "WorkflowName" Then
             'get workflow association data
             Dim assData As String = association.AssociationData

             'start the workflow
             manager.StartWorkflow(lstItem, association, assData)

             Exit For
      End If
